Mayor Em Cllr Tom Aditya
The UK Police Scrutiny Panel Member (Avon & Somerset)
Chairman, South Glos Council's Community Engagement
Chairman, Bristol Multi-Faith Forum
Mayor Em & elected Councillor, Bradley Stoke - Bristol
Bristol University Court Member
The UK Healthcare Fraternity Coordinator
NHS Blood & Organ Donation Campaign Ambassador
West of England Community Transport Panel Member
Social Justice Advocate, Policy Maker,
Management Consultant, Speaker, Writer.

Mayor Tom Aditya is a passionate human rights campaigner and community advocate who promotes social harmony and holistic community development in the United Kingdom. He has been part of the Bristol Multi-Faith Forum and South Glos Council Equalities Forum since 2007. He twice served as the Mayor of Bradley Stoke-Bristol and also held various public offices of the Council, the Avon and Somerset Police Panel, Bristol University, the Local Authority Schools Governing Board, the Library Committee, the West of England Community Transport, the National Local Councils Association, NHS BT and the South Glos Council's Community Engagement Forum.
Cllr Tom Aditya's approach has always been to bring excellent amenities for the residents and to deliver better quality services, whilst ensuring lower taxes, value for money, good governance, and fairness for all. His aim is to make our neighbourhoods a better place to live and to have a stronger voice for the community. Cllr Tom Aditya believes politics should first and foremost be about getting things done for the people and not petty party politics. He felt that "Our town had achieved a lot after its inception and we are grateful for what we have but we need to work together to sustain those achievements as well as to progress further".
As a common man, Tom engages responsibly with the community and is fully aware of the needs and concerns of the people. Looking at his track record, we can perceive that the community's best interests are always at the heart of what he strives to achieve. He helps the community with their issues, concerns, and problems. As an elected civic official and people's representative, he serves everyone who needs help - not just those who voted for him.
This humble website has been voluntarily designed by 'Friends of Mayor Tom Aditya" as a medium to connect with the community and to communicate issues that matter to the public as well as about some of the things we have been working on, some of the things we have achieved, and other ongoing campaigns. We are much thankful for all your support, trust, and confidence placed upon Cllr Tom Aditya. You can also find out how to contact Mayor Em Cllr Tom Aditya for advice or help or support or for appointments or for passing your comments and suggestions.
Wishing you all the very best,
"Friends of Mayor Tom Aditya"